Tech trends 2022 (health tech)

3 min readJan 11, 2022

What is a picture of a toilet doing on Medium? Well last year when I reviewed what media covered from CES (the most influential tech event in the world), this toilet, called Cleanovation, was one of the most reviewed items on media (1). Company TOTO presented a toilet that checks your physical and mental status. It was one of the many health tech solutions presented last year. Because of Covid, health tech got a lot of coverage last year. This year health tech sector was more silent, but here are some innovations from CES 2022 that might be interesting to you.

ViraWarn COVID-19 detector

Imagine if you could walk into the room and know straight away if someone has covid in this room. That would be strange wouldn’t it. But it is possible already. Opteev has presented this technology in CES. They have created a breath analyzer that gives answer in 5 seconds. Conrad Bessemer, chairman and co-founder of Opteev said: “COVID controls everything we do, every event we attend, every bar we enter, every restaurant we visit and every entertainment activity we undertake with friends. The way we get ahead of this is that now, WE control COVID.” — writes wtop news. (4)

Sengled Smart Health Monitoring Light

Imagine that you don’t need to wear a watch, since you have a lightbulb that can monitor your sleep, heart rate, and body temperature. All you need is Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth smart bulbs. “The bulb can work alone, or multiple bulbs connected via a Bluetooth mesh network work together to create a virtual map that can help detect human behavior. Camp said it could even determine if someone has fallen.” — writes The Verge. (2)

Ible Airvida E1

These noise-cancelling headphones double up as a wearable air purifier. Inventors of this gaget claim that it can protect “from Covid-19 as well as other contaminants in the air.” — writes India Today. (3) This is a strong claim, but ible Tech already received some awards for desease-controling tech in Taiwan. “Air purifiers have been in huge demand since the Covid-19 pandemic first hit us in 2020.”

Withings: Body Scan

Imagine that instead of stepping into a doctors’ office you step on Body Scan scale. „In addition to measuring weight, body fat, muscle mass, and heart rate, the company is now adding the ability to measure heart rhythm, foot nerve activity, and segmented body composition.” (5) Why is this possible? “Previous scales could only send signals through your feet, so the estimate was confined to measuring the lower portion of the body. The Body Scan can perform “multi-frequency” BIA with the additional electrodes in the handle, giving you a more complete overall view of your body composition.” — writes Techlicious.

Let me know if you noticed some other health tech solutions presented at CES that should make it to this list.

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